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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to do to get my dog started asap?
    All services require that you do the following: Register your pup(s) via Gingr. Provide us with proof that your dog(s) are up to date on their Rabies, Distemper, and Parvo vaccinations (can be uploaded to your Gingr profile). Call or email the front desk to set up your initial visit. After that first visit you should be able to schedule future services online using Gingr. Our phone # is (303) 774-8158 and our email is If you are in need of boarding, we do require an evaluation day if you want your dog(s) to be in play. This evaluation day must be completed before we will schedule your boarding. If you need grooming, contact the front desk for help choosing the services that you need.
  • Do you offer facility tours?
    Yes, we do! We ask that you schedule them with us so one of our team members can give you the time and attention needed to do the tour and answer your questions.
  • What vaccinations do you require?
    We require that all dogs visiting our facility be current on their Rabies, Distemper and Parvo vaccinations. We do strongly recommend the Bordetella vaccination as well, but do not require it.
  • Why don’t you require the Bordetella vaccine?
    We stopped requiring the Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccine some years ago after we determined that regardless of whether it was required or not we would still see approximately the same amount of cases each year. Since we have stopped requiring it, we have not seen any detectable rise in reports of kennel cough each year. Some years we have relatively few cases, other years we see more. The years in which we see more cases, there are more cases at all other facilities as well. The Bordetella vaccine is similar to our human flu shot in that some batches of vaccine offer better protection than others year to year. We can also say with confidence that nearly all dogs that come each day are currently vaccinated for Bordetella. We know this because we still see this vaccination on the shot records provided to us. The exceptions to this are typically some elderly dogs or dogs with certain health conditions. It is also still true that nearly all the dogs who unfortunately come down with kennel cough during a year are vaccinated.
  • My Veterinarian has recommended my dog not be vaccinated due to age or a health condition. Can they still come to Happy Hounds?
    In most cases the answer is yes. If this is the case we ask that you provide us with a dated letter from your Vet explaining the specific situation. We handle these situations on a case by case basis.
  • Will you accept titer test results instead of vaccination records?
    Yes, we will accept results of a titer test showing appropriate antibody protection against Distemper, Parvo, and Rabies. Other none-core vaccinations like Bordetella cannot reliably be tested. Test results must be dated with a future expiration or re-testing date.
  • If the other dogs are vaccinated can you promise me that my dog will not become ill?
    As much as we hate to hear that any dog becomes ill after visiting Happy Hounds, we cannot make such a promise. It would be nearly impossible to prevent the spread of sometimes airborne, asymptomatic diseases in a setting where the dogs share space, community water bowls, etc. If you prefer to have your dog visit us as a no play, meaning they do not join the other dogs in group play, the chances are far less they might catch something, but even then it is possible they could catch something like an airborne virus from a dog in a neighboring space. Any dogs we suspect to be ill are kept out of play to reduce the risk to the other dogs.
  • Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered to attend your facility?
    We require all dogs over the age of 9 months to be altered.
  • My dog has medications, is your facility able to accommodate them?
    Yes, we are able to administer medications to your pet during their stay excluding anything injectable including insulin. Per the Colorado Department of Agriculture requirements, we MUST have in our possession the original prescription or manufacturer container for any medications and supplements we give to your dog. Additionally all of the following policies per the Colorado Department of Agriculture must be followed: We are NOT allowed to administer medications without possession of the original prescription container and medications must be given according to the directions on the prescription bottle label. If you are not giving medications according to the prescription label, you will need an update from your veterinarian that shows the new medication instructions. We are NOT allowed to administer supplements without possession of the original manufacturers container. We are NOT allowed to administer sedatives for any reason.
  • Will my dog get injured in play?
    We spend considerable time training our staff to manage the dogs in play, and stick strictly to a maximum of 15 dogs per person ratio, but even in this situation injuries occasionally happen. This depends on the dog and their play style, as well as other factors like age, socialization, etc. We have dogs that have been visiting us for many years without ever being injured, and we have dogs that come once and somehow get a minor injury in play. The truth is that any time dogs interact in a group there is the risk that something happens, even when properly supervised.
  • What happens if my dog is injured or becomes ill while at Happy Hounds for daycare or boarding?
    If your dog is injured we will do our best to assess the injury and administer first aid. Except with the most minor injuries we will always contact you to inform you. Fortunately most injuries do not require immediate veterinary care, but we understand that some owners would rather play it safe and take their pup in just to be sure they are ok. We will always do our best to communicate the seriousness of an injury. If your dog needs veterinary care and you are out of town or we cannot reach you, please rest assured that we will get your dog the care they need. Our first choice in that situation is to use your preferred Vet, but if that is not possible we will take your dog to a Veterinarian that we trust. If your dog becomes ill while staying with us, we typically make decisions about that on a case by case basis. For example, it’s not unusual for dogs to get an upset stomach when they board, or even if they simply get excited to come to daycare. We will watch these situations closely and based on our experience with the dog, and the specific symptoms, make a decision whether we need to contact you about it immediately, or sometimes just inform you at pick up if it was minor and your dog was here just for the day.
  • My dog is so thirsty when they come home. Do they have access to water?
    The dogs have access to water at all times when they are here at Happy Hounds. In the play areas we place multiple water dispensers that all dogs can drink from while they are out. When they are taking breaks from play they will always have a personal bowl of water. During the warmer seasons we also place buckets of water outside to increase the number of options they have. We have noticed over the years that some dogs do not like to drink out of the community water dispensers, or they just play so hard they forget to give themselves water breaks. In these cases your dog might get away from Happy Hounds and realize how thirsty they are. We recommend allowing them to catch up on their hydration in small to medium doses. Drinking too much water too quickly can cause them to vomit it back up.
  • Why is my dog SO tired when they get home? They barely touched their food and then put themselves to bed!
    Depending on the dog and how hard they play, this is likely not anything to worry about. We do give the dogs breaks during the day, but some of them play very hard all day. From our experience, they also tend to build up their stamina if they come frequently. As long as there are no other concerning symptoms, your dog is likely just tired from having a bunch of fun with their friends:)
  • What are the most common health issues associated with the daycare and boarding environment?
    Just as groups of people risk sharing viruses, etc, dogs similarly pass health issues to and from each other when they socialize together. The most common issues we see occasionally are airborne respiratory illnesses or mild stomach issues linked to anxiety or drinking out of the shared water dispensers. We do add water purification tablets to the water each time we fill them up, but some dogs are still sensitive to changes in water quality. If your dog partakes in poo eating, it is likely they will suffer stomach issues eventually from this as well. We do our very best to pick up poop as it falls, but the pups who are determined to get it will always find some in a day. If a dog happens to have worms or giardia and we are not aware of it, any dog who ate their poo could potentially contract those issues as well. If we are aware that any dog has worms, giardia or any contagious disease they are kept out of the play group and away from the other dogs. The respiratory illness we see most often is Bordetella, also known as kennel cough. It does seem to present itself most commonly in the Fall and Winter months. There are several similar respiratory diseases that are part of the Bordetella family as well. Any time we see symptoms of respiratory illness we will keep that dog out of play so that we can observe them. The tricky part with Bordetella is that dogs can be completely asymptomatic and still pass it to others. Symptoms of Bordetella include a dry, hacking or “honking” cough that may or may not produce a white foamy substance. Often because dogs with Bordetella appear to have their normal appetite and energy, owners think their dog may have eaten something they shouldn’t have or gotten something stuck in their throat. Most dogs recover from Bordetella on their own after 10-14 days, but if you are concerned your vet can prescribe antibiotics that will help prevent secondary infections. Because Bordetella is bacterial, not viral, antibiotics do nothing to help resolve it. We ask that you please keep your dog home if you suspect they have anything contagious. And please inform us if your dog does happen to become ill - we do keep track of these things so that we can keep all owners informed as new cases arise.
  • Do you offer facility tours?
    Yes, we do! We ask that you schedule them with us so one of our team members can give you the time and attention needed to do the tour and answer your questions.
  • Why do I need to do an evaluation day - my dog gets along with everyone!
    The evaluation day is important for multiple reasons. We pride ourselves on being able to work with all kinds of dogs, some of whom have issues in certain situations. We do, however, need to make sure the environment is safe for our staff and the other dogs. Here are a few of the things we are looking for during an evaluation: How your dog greets us and the other staff members. How your dog greets other dogs. Do they understand the social cues other dogs are giving them? Do they respond appropriately? How your dog plays with other dogs. How your dog reacts to other dogs playing with each other nearby. We are watching how they behave towards dogs smaller and/ or bigger than them, and how they react to our staff in different situations. If they are playing too rough can we call them off verbally or do we need to physically leash them and give them a break? We are also paying attention to how they do when given breaks. Are they calm in their room or are they jumping at the door and trying to escape? Just like us, some dogs are very social and get excited to go into the group even on their first day. Other dogs are shy or anxious. Based on the information gathered from your application, as well as the behavior they are seeing from your dog when meeting them for the first time, they will decide on the best type of introduction for your dog.
  • Why do you charge for your evaluation day?
    We take the introduction of other dogs to our pack seriously. This first day with us requires more time, energy, and effort from our staff, and for this we charge our daily daycare rate. We evaluate dogs that are often new to their family. Possibly just adopted and the owner is unsure how they would do in group play. We also know that not every dog owner is well versed in dog behavior, particularly what to look for during group play. So the initial application that a client fills out is just the first step in a process we feel is necessary to keep other dogs in our pack and our staff safe. Our evaluation day includes: Completion of our evaluation day form by the staff. A slow intro to the pack. Continued monitoring throughout the stay for behavior cues to determine if group play is appropriate. And if so, what playgroup is best. Full Report Card Facilities that don’t require a proper evaluation may not provide the safest service. Therefore, in our opinion, a ’free first day” is not always better.
  • Will I get daily report cards about my dog’s visit?
    We do not send report cards for each visit. It would be nearly impossible to send out thoughtful report cards each day for every dog that visits us. We don't do mass, canned report cards either, as to us, those don't give you an accurate indication of how your dog did for the visit. All content going into our report cards is specific to your pup's stay and takes time and effort from our staff to give you an accurate reflection of your pup's time with us. You will receive a full report card about your dog's first visit, including as many good photos as we can collect and a detailed description of how they did and any new friends they may have made. This initial report card comes as a part of our evaluation day. After that first visit, you can request additional report cards for a fee (based on availability): Full Report Card: Photos and/or video with written update on your pup’s stay. - $10 Short Report Card: No photos, a written update on your pup's stay. -$5 Talk to our front desk staff if you would like to schedule a report card for your dog!
  • Can I watch my dog on camera during the day?
    We do not have publicly available cameras for you to watch your dog(s) during the day. We have considered this option in the past and after talking to many facilities that installed them, we did not feel it was a good choice for Happy Hounds. Among the concerns they communicated to us were expensive and unreliable technology, a significant increase in phone calls from owners not understanding what they might be seeing on the cameras. We completely understand the desire to see what your pup is up to while they are away from you. Choosing the facility that you trust to care for them is never easy. We feel strongly that our staff’s attention is better spent on the dogs in real time instead of having to dedicate one person to fielding calls about what is happening on the cameras.
  • How much play time will my dog get during a day of daycare?
    That depends on multiple factors. First is how long your dog will be with us during that day. We offer everything from hourly to full day daycare. All dogs that are with us for more than an hour will likely get some scheduled breaks. Another factor is the behavior and play style of the dogs as a group. Some dogs get along with everyone. Others get along with most, but have a few fellow canines they need to be kept separate from. We always do our best to set your dog up for success and will have them out in play as much as safely possible. Every dog visiting us for daycare is part of a designated group, chosen by our staff based on their size, temperament, play style, etc. During the day we have set times when each group takes breaks, which allows them to calm themselves down and rehydrate. We adjust these times often, which is why you do not see those break times advertised.
  • How many people are watching the dogs?
    The state requires that one person watch no more than 15 dogs at a time in one enclosure. We adhere to this and add more dogs and people to each group as needed.
  • Do you have any breed restrictions?
    We happily accept dogs of all breeds. Even dogs who do not get along with others in play can still visit us as a no-play.
  • What do I need to bring for a daycare?
    Owners must bring their dog's collar and leash for transport in and out of the facility. Owners are more than welcome to provide a snack for lunch (in a sealed container/baggie) and any favorite belongings they may have such as chew bones, toys or blankets. We do provide stainless steel bowls for food and water during breaks.
  • My dog has medications, is your facility able to accommodate them?
    Yes, we are able to administer medications to your pet during their stay excluding anything injectable including insulin. Per the Colorado Department of Agriculture requirements, we MUST have in our possession the original prescription or manufacturer container for any medications and supplements we give to your dog. Additionally all of the following policies per the Colorado Department of Agriculture must be followed: We are NOT allowed to administer medications without possession of the original prescription container and medications must be given according to the directions on the prescription bottle label. If you are not giving medications according to the prescription label, you will need an update from your veterinarian that shows the new medication instructions. We are NOT allowed to administer supplements without possession of the original manufacturers container. We are NOT allowed to administer sedatives for any reason.
  • Do you offer facility tours?
    Yes, we do! We ask that you schedule them with us so one of our team members can give you the time and attention needed to do the tour and answer your questions.
  • Why do I need to do an evaluation day - my dog gets along with everyone!
    The evaluation day is important for multiple reasons. We pride ourselves on being able to work with all kinds of dogs, some of whom have issues in certain situations. We do, however, need to make sure the environment is safe for our staff and the other dogs. Here are a few of the things we are looking for during an evaluation: How your dog greets us and the other staff members. How your dog greets other dogs. Do they understand the social cues other dogs are giving them? Do they respond appropriately? How your dog plays with other dogs. How your dog reacts to other dogs playing with each other nearby. We are watching how they behave towards dogs smaller and/ or bigger than them, and how they react to our staff in different situations. If they are playing too rough can we call them off verbally or do we need to physically leash them and give them a break? We are also paying attention to how they do when given breaks. Are they calm in their room or are they jumping at the door and trying to escape? Just like us, some dogs are very social and get excited to go into the group even on their first day. Other dogs are shy or anxious. Based on the information gathered from your application, as well as the behavior they are seeing from your dog when meeting them for the first time, they will decide on the best type of introduction for your dog.
  • Why do you charge for your evaluation day?
    We take the introduction of other dogs to our pack seriously. This first day with us requires more time, energy, and effort from our staff, and for this we charge our daily daycare rate. We evaluate dogs that are often new to their family. Possibly just adopted and the owner is unsure how they would do in group play. We also know that not every dog owner is well versed in dog behavior, particularly what to look for during group play. So the initial application that a client fills out is just the first step in a process we feel is necessary to keep other dogs in our pack and our staff safe. Our evaluation day includes: Completion of our evaluation day form by the staff. A slow intro to the pack. Continued monitoring throughout the stay for behavior cues to determine if group play is appropriate. And if so, what playgroup is best. Full Report Card Facilities that don’t require a proper evaluation may not provide the safest service. Therefore, in our opinion, a ’free first day” is not always better.
  • Will I get daily report cards about my dog’s visit?
    We do not send report cards for each visit. It would be nearly impossible to send out thoughtful report cards each day for every dog that visits us. We don't do mass, canned report cards either, as to us, those don't give you an accurate indication of how your dog did for the visit. All content going into our report cards is specific to your pup's stay and takes time and effort from our staff to give you an accurate reflection of your pup's time with us. You will receive a full report card about your dog's first visit, including as many good photos as we can collect and a detailed description of how they did and any new friends they may have made. This initial report card comes as a part of our evaluation day. After that first visit, you can request additional report cards for a fee (based on availability): Full Report Card: Photos and/or video with written update on your pup’s stay. - $10 Short Report Card: No photos, a written update on your pup's stay. -$5 Talk to our front desk staff if you would like to schedule a report card for your dog!
  • How far in advance should I book boarding?
    We recommend booking your dates as soon as you can. We always do our best to accommodate last minute requests, but if you are thinking about a specific holiday, we typically have bookings at least a few months in advance. Call us to check availability. If we have an opening, the best way to reserve it is to put down your 25% deposit.
  • Do you require a deposit for boarding?
    Yes, as last-minute cancellations often leave us with vacancies. The 25% deposit is fully refundable as long as you cancel your boarding within 48 hours of drop-off for non-holiday or 14 days before the designated holiday for holiday week boardings.
  • What do I need to bring for a boarding?
    Owners must bring their dog's collar and leash for transport in and out of the facility. Owners must bring their dog’s own food in a resealable container. We recommend bringing extra food. This allows for the increase in activity your dog will experience while playing every day and any unforeseen changes in your travel plans. If you happen to run out of food, we will provide a healthy house food at a charge of $1 per half-cup. However, keep in mind that sudden changes to your pups diet may result in an upset tummy/bowels, so bringing extra food is always advised. Running out of food at the end of your pups stay and switching to house food could mean you get to deal with the repercussions when you get them home! 😬 Bringing anything that will help make them more comfortable during their stay with us is recommended. Maybe a favorite toy, a blanket from home, or even an old t-shirt that smells of you and home. If your dog is an avid chewer, consider bringing along chew toys, chew treats or bones. Do keep in mind that some dogs get anxious boarding, even if they like coming to see us otherwise, and it might cause them to chew on blankets, bedding, or clothing. If we see this happening, we will remove these items to avoid ingestion of torn-off pieces. We do provide stainless steel bowls for food and water in their rooms. Raised platforms are also available upon request.
  • My dog has medications, is your facility able to accommodate them?
    Yes, we are able to administer medications to your pet during their stay excluding anything injectable including insulin. Per the Colorado Department of Agriculture requirements, we MUST have in our possession the original prescription or manufacturer container for any medications and supplements we give to your dog. Additionally all of the following policies per the Colorado Department of Agriculture must be followed: We are NOT allowed to administer medications without possession of the original prescription container and medications must be given according to the directions on the prescription bottle label. If you are not giving medications according to the prescription label, you will need an update from your veterinarian that shows the new medication instructions. We are NOT allowed to administer supplements without possession of the original manufacturers container. We are NOT allowed to administer sedatives for any reason.
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